
It Happened in Soho


Murder drama set in Soho involving a police inspector, a newspaper reporter and a country girl.

Release Date : 1948-06-24

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Frank Chisnell Productions

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Richard Murdoch

Character Name : Scott the News Reporter

Original Name : Richard Murdoch

Gender : Male

Henry Oscar

Character Name : Inspector Carp

Original Name : Henry Oscar

Gender : Male

Paul Demel

Character Name : Angelo the Cafe Proprieter

Original Name : Paul Demel

Gender : Male

John Bailey

Character Name : Paul Sayers

Original Name : John Bailey

Gender : Male

Patricia Raine

Character Name : Susan March

Original Name : Patricia Raine

Gender : Male

Eunice Gayson

Character Name : Julie

Original Name : Eunice Gayson

Gender : Female

Rose Howlett

Character Name : Lulu

Original Name : Rose Howlett

Gender : Female

Dennis Harkin

Character Name : Johnnie

Original Name : Dennis Harkin

Gender : Male

Alexander Kardan

Character Name :

Original Name : Alexander Kardan

Gender : Male

Morris Sweden

Character Name :

Original Name : Morris Sweden

Gender : Male






This murder mystery set in London's square mile of vice has one fundamental flaw - it's too "nice". Even the baddie - whom we identify quite quickly in this hour long drama isn't really so evil! We are, however, taken on an interesting tour of the eclectic clubs and cafés of a Soho where the buses and tubes have long since packed up for the night, but where there is always a late night watering hole frequented by all forms of human life. The plot centres around a journalist trying to track down a strangler. He encounters a girl who has become separated from her boyfriend and soon she is a target for our villain. It's got very little going for it, I'm afraid - neither the action nor the dialogue do much to make/keep it interesting but it does convey a sense of the downtrodden sides of post war London we see less of.