
The Key


Calamity by four-year old might be another title for this tense, humorous drama. In the story, a four year old boy (Mohammed Aladpoush) is left at home with his baby brother while his mother goes out shopping. She has told him to give the baby his bottle while she is away. However, the boy has a different idea about what he should do, and consumes most of the bottle himself. The hungry baby's cries arouse the neighbors to try and get into the apartment, but it is locked, and the four-year old can't (or, more likely, won't) let them in. Despite a number of near-disasters, the enterprising young boy manages things just well enough (with the occasional help of shouted advice from frantic neighbors) so that serious calamities are avoided.

Release Date : 2000-01-20

Language :Persian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Kanoon

Production Country : Iran

Alternative Titles :


Mahnaz Ansarian

Character Name : Amir Mohammad

Original Name : Mahnaz Ansarian

Gender : Male

Abbas Jafari

Character Name :

Original Name : Abbas Jafari

Gender : Male

Amir Mohammad Pourhassan

Character Name :

Original Name : Amir Mohammad Pourhassan

Gender : Male

Emad Taheri

Character Name :

Original Name : Emad Taheri

Gender : Male


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