

- What if suddenly the ground was gone?

Five friends on a small airplane mysteriously lose their radio connection on a trip from New York to LA. As they continue their flight, they're forced to assume that a major disaster happened on the ground. They discover a stowaway, Erik, who urges them not to land at any cost. Before they run out of fuel, they must find out the truth.

Release Date : 2017-11-07

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Visionz International

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Scarlett Hefner

Character Name : Lisa

Original Name : Scarlett Hefner

Gender : Female

Gavin Stenhouse

Character Name : Kyle

Original Name : Gavin Stenhouse

Gender : Male

Rick Cosnett

Character Name : Matt

Original Name : Rick Cosnett

Gender : Male

Tyler Fayose

Character Name : Odin

Original Name : Tyler Fayose

Gender : Male

Carla Carolina Pimentel

Character Name : Roxy

Original Name : Carla Carolina Pimentel

Gender : Female

Morten Suurballe

Character Name : Erik

Original Name : Morten Suurballe

Gender : Male

Lars Walther

Character Name : Delivery Boy

Original Name : Lars Walther

Gender : Male


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