

- Most come to escape the past. He came to chase it.

A man attempts to make a new start in Atlantic City with the help of his daughter and a new business partner.

Release Date : 2017-09-15

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gravitas Ventures

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Character Name : Babel "Babe" Johnson

Original Name : Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Gender : Male

Heather Graham

Character Name : Savannah

Original Name : Heather Graham

Gender : Female

Donna DeGregorio

Character Name : Lollipop 's Girl

Original Name : Donna DeGregorio

Gender : Female

Reyna de Courcy

Character Name : Surfer Girl

Original Name : Reyna de Courcy

Gender : Female

Christopher McDonald

Character Name : Det. Paddy Sheehan

Original Name : Christopher McDonald

Gender : Male

Jennifer Ehle

Character Name : Kate

Original Name : Jennifer Ehle

Gender : Female

Louis Mustillo

Character Name : Jimmy

Original Name : Louis Mustillo

Gender : Male

Tyler Elliot Burke

Character Name : Alfie

Original Name : Tyler Elliot Burke

Gender : Male

Lauren LaVera

Character Name : Buttercup/Pusher

Original Name : Lauren LaVera

Gender : Female

Sean Ringgold

Character Name : Big G

Original Name : Sean Ringgold

Gender : Male

Jake Weber

Character Name : Sgt. McCulvey

Original Name : Jake Weber

Gender : Male

Rob Morgan

Character Name : Sergeant Walker

Original Name : Rob Morgan

Gender : Male

Pamela Dunlap

Character Name : Mrs. Harrington

Original Name : Pamela Dunlap

Gender : Female

Celeste O'Connor

Character Name : Amy

Original Name : Celeste O'Connor

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


Neo-Noir fans can find much to admire, and much to be angry with here. At the time of writing, Wetlands has only two amateur reviews on the IMDb site, something which on first glance paints a damning picture. Yet purveyors of film noir and its kindred spirits should at the least take a look at this grim portrayal of lost souls functioning in Atlantic City all while a devilish storm heads towards them. Plot is by the numbers from the noir 101 playbook. Police officer (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) is a recovering addict who battles his past demons whilst trying to save his loved ones from unlawful scumbags. And that's pretty much it, the impending storm is a sort of metaphor for the turmoil going on in the lives of everyone involved in the story. The script is hardly high quality either, and anyone looking for an emotional investment in the characters will eventually start throwing objects at the screen. Yet rewards are here for fans of the noir form. Characterisations are pungent with a bleakness that holds court. Corruption, sexual kinks, addictions, infidelity, dark deeds, bohemian excess, sexual blackmail, and on it goes. That these black thunders jostle with our chief protagonist's honourable intentions makes for compelling viewing for those in the frame of mind for genre bulldozing. Then there's Barry Markowitz' cinematography. The film is big on atmosphere as opposed to physical action, and Markowitz' photography is a key player. If it's not turning down the filters for grim texture, it's offering up pronounced primaries for a magnetic beauty that offers up hope in what seems to be a forlorn venture, very haunting in its beauty. Great work in a strong decade for neo-noir photography. However, it's not a very good film by any stretch of the imagination, the performances are very uneven, and as the script and plotting screams for better thought, the resolution also comes off as rushed and unfulfilling. But it's no dead loss, and enough here for noir heads to savour. 6.5/10