
Witch's Cradle


The surrealist film shows repetitive imagery involving a string fashioned in a bizarre, almost spiderweb-like pattern over the hands of several individuals, most notably an unnamed young woman and an elderly gentleman. The film also shows a shadowy darkness and people filmed at odd angles, an exposed human heart, and other occult symbols and ritualistic imagery which evokes an unsettling and dream-like aura. Considered an unfinished film.

Release Date : 1944-01-01

Language :No Language

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : The Witch's Cradle


Pajorita Matta

Character Name : The girl

Original Name : Pajorita Matta

Gender : Male

Marcel Duchamp

Character Name : The artist

Original Name : Marcel Duchamp

Gender : Male


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