DocumentaryCrimeTV Movie

Hinterkaifeck - Die wahre Geschichte hinter Tannöd


Still today, people say that during the stormy night from March 31st to April 1st, 1922, the devil had come to Hinterkaifeck. On the farmstead near Schrobenhausen, all 6 inhabitants – 4 Adults and two children – are struck down bestially. The police did not manage to seek out the murderer(s). As the case is still unsolved as of today, the story still lives on in the minds of the people. Motion pictures, theatre plays, and the bestselling novel “Tannöd”, behind all of them stands Hinterkaifeck. Aspiring police investigators and a self-declared “Internet – special commission ‘Hinterkaifeck’” have now once again taken up the trail of the case. This exciting search for traces is followed by the film, and its findings are recreated in elaborate play scenes. Thereby, a picture of an era thought to be bygone and an idea of what really happened back then comes into existence. More precise than any fiction, the docudrama manages to get closer to the truth.

Release Date : 2009-11-18

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : ZDFSecuritel

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Franziska Pigulla

Character Name : Narrator

Original Name : Franziska Pigulla

Gender : Female


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