Michèle shares her life with Paul, her husband and work colleague. She has a lover, Thomas, a musician with whom she has been having a passionate affair for some time. Attracted by Thomass non-conformity and lust for life, Michèle abandons her husband, her son and her profession to live this frenzy through to its conclusion. A quest for freedom and change that sends Michèle on a turbulent drift, but remains, nevertheless, intimate and personal.
Release Date : 2007-08-27
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Films 53/12
Production Country : Canada
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Michèle
Original Name : Anne-Marie Cadieux
Gender : Female
Character Name : Paul
Original Name : Laurent Lucas
Gender : Male
Character Name : Thomas
Original Name : Marc Béland
Gender : Male
Character Name : Isabelle
Original Name : Marie-France Lambert
Gender : Female
Character Name : Monique
Original Name : Michelle Rossignol
Gender : Female
Character Name : Manu
Original Name : Raphaël Dury
Gender : Male
Character Name : Marc
Original Name : Jean-François Casabonne
Gender : Male
Character Name : Eve
Original Name : Ève Cournoyer
Gender : Male
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