
Letter #69


As the aftermath of World War II and the Chinese Civil War morphed into the Cold War, Taiwan was ruled under martial law from 1949 to 1987. During the height of the White Terror in the 1950s, thousands of suspected Communists and subversives were arrested; many of them simply disappeared forever. In 1993 a forgotten graveyard of 201 unclaimed victims was rediscovered at Liuzhangli on the outskirts of Taipei. Experimental filmmaker Lin Hsin-I’s Letter #69 explores the violence and injustice that still haunt Taiwan today through the letters of Shi Shui Huan, a political prisoner during the White Terror—all the way up to her last letter before being executed, a blank piece of paper.-UCLAFilm&TV

Release Date : 2016-10-18

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Taiwan

Alternative Titles :


Lin I-Huang

Character Name :

Original Name : Lin I-Huang

Gender : Male

Lin Hung Su-Chin

Character Name :

Original Name : Lin Hung Su-Chin

Gender : Male

Kuo Chia-ling

Character Name :

Original Name : Kuo Chia-ling

Gender : Male


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