


A boy named Eli with a rare autoimmune disorder is confined to a special experimental clinic for his treatment. He soon begins experiencing supernatural forces, turning the supposedly safe facility into a haunted prison for him and his fellow patients.

Release Date : 2019-10-18

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Bellevue ProductionsParamount PicturesParamount PlayersIntrepid PicturesMTV Films

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Charlie Shotwell

Character Name : Eli

Original Name : Charlie Shotwell

Gender : Male

Lili Taylor

Character Name : Dr. Isabella Horn

Original Name : Lili Taylor

Gender : Female

Kelly Reilly

Character Name : Rose

Original Name : Kelly Reilly

Gender : Female

Max Martini

Character Name : Paul

Original Name : Max Martini

Gender : Male

Sadie Sink

Character Name : Haley

Original Name : Sadie Sink

Gender : Female

Deneen Tyler

Character Name : Nurse Barbara

Original Name : Deneen Tyler

Gender : Female

Katia Gomez

Character Name : Nurse Maricela

Original Name : Katia Gomez

Gender : Female

Austin Foxx

Character Name : Perry

Original Name : Austin Foxx

Gender : Male

Parker Lovein

Character Name : Lucius

Original Name : Parker Lovein

Gender : Male

Lou Beatty Jr.

Character Name : Motel Owner

Original Name : Lou Beatty Jr.

Gender : Male

Jared Bankens

Character Name : Gang Leader

Original Name : Jared Bankens

Gender : Male

Nathaniel Woolsey

Character Name : Punk

Original Name : Nathaniel Woolsey

Gender : Male

Kailia Posey

Character Name : Agnes

Original Name : Kailia Posey

Gender : Female






_Eli_ director Ciarán Foy is also the man behind 2012's _Citadel_, which I found to be drastically underappreciated. For that reason, I went into _Eli_ completely blind, expected to enjoy it of off of Foy's involvement alone. Ended up being pretty disappointed. The effects they use for the titular Eli's skin rashes appearing and disappearing are **great**, I was genuinely impressed, truly. But the quote-unquote "mysteries" of the movie ("Hm, this doesn't seem quite right, what's really going on here?") start very early on in the piece, and are drawn out for sooooo long, then only about half of those mysteries are answered in one single reveal, and even those ones are resolved in a way I was not at all satisfied by. _Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._





I won't get the movie plot away but I will say this ... this movie is extremely interesting from start to finish. The cast is brilliant, the story was intriguing oh, and the ending maybe even smile and laugh a little but that might be just because I have a morbid sense of humor. It's definitely worth a watch.