
The Deminer


In the chaotic aftermath of the fall of Saddam Hussein, Fakhir, a father of eight, is serving in the Iraqi army. All around him, he sees innocent civilians getting injured by landmines, so he determines to disarm them with his own hands, using just a pocketknife and some wire cutters. He clears thousands of roadside bombs, mines and car bombs, knowing that every time he cuts a wire it could cost him his life—which he seems to find less important than the lives of others. In 2014, by this time having lost a leg, he starts working for the Kurdish Peshmerga, disarming boobytraps left behind by Daesh in and around Mosul. An enthusiastic home video maker, Fakhir collects hundreds of hours of footage of his day-to-day work.

Release Date : 2018-09-23

Language :ArabicKurdish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Ginestra FilmLolav Media

Production Country : Sweden

Alternative Titles : Hurt Locker Hero


Fakhir Berwari

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Fakhir Berwari

Gender : Male

Sheyma Ibrahim

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Sheyma Ibrahim

Gender : Male

Abdulla Fakhir

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Abdulla Fakhir

Gender : Male

Ghazi Ibrahim

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Ghazi Ibrahim

Gender : Male


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