The Test of Love
Paul is a man uncomfortable in his own skin. His 20-year marriage to Marielle is put to the test when she catches him in women's clothes, and he can no longer live the lie. Paul attempts suicide, making Marielle realize that his life means much more to her than his appearance. She loves his true self more than the person he pretends to be. Convinced that their love will allow them to reinvent their life together, they and their two children brave the reaction of others and live with tolerance and hope.
Release Date : 2017-11-22
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : France 2Fontaram Productions
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Marielle
Original Name : Marie-Josée Croze
Gender : Female
Character Name : Paul
Original Name : Fred Testot
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lucas
Original Name : Grégoire Plantade
Gender : Male
Character Name : Alice
Original Name : Jeanne Guittet
Gender : Female
Character Name : Adji
Original Name : Jessica Tougloh
Gender : Female
Character Name : Liliane
Original Name : Colette Kraffe
Gender : Female
Character Name : Camille
Original Name : Stéphane Bissot
Gender : Female
Character Name : Le patron
Original Name : Pierre-Olivier Mornas
Gender : Male
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