
Banana Split


Over the course of a summer, two teenage girls develop the perfect kindred spirit friendship, with one big problem: one of them is dating the other's ex.

Release Date : 2018-09-22

Language :EnglishGerman

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : American HighBurn Later Productions

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Eskimo Sisters


Hannah Marks

Character Name : April

Original Name : Hannah Marks

Gender : Female

Liana Liberato

Character Name : Clara

Original Name : Liana Liberato

Gender : Female

Dylan Sprouse

Character Name : Nick

Original Name : Dylan Sprouse

Gender : Male

Luke Spencer Roberts

Character Name : Ben

Original Name : Luke Spencer Roberts

Gender : Male

Meagan Kimberly Smith

Character Name : Molly

Original Name : Meagan Kimberly Smith

Gender : Female

Haley Ramm

Character Name : Sally

Original Name : Haley Ramm

Gender : Female

Jessica Hecht

Character Name : Susan

Original Name : Jessica Hecht

Gender : Female

Addison Riecke

Character Name : Agnes

Original Name : Addison Riecke

Gender : Female

Jacob Batalon

Character Name : Jacob the Manager

Original Name : Jacob Batalon

Gender : Male

Carter Gill

Character Name : Movie Patron

Original Name : Carter Gill

Gender : Male

Travis Przybylski

Character Name : Cute Dumb Guy

Original Name : Travis Przybylski

Gender : Male

Ben Konigsberg

Character Name : Mordecai

Original Name : Ben Konigsberg

Gender : Male

Brandon Marino

Character Name : DMV Tester

Original Name : Brandon Marino

Gender : Male

Steve Little

Character Name : Lyft Driver Steve

Original Name : Steve Little

Gender : Male

Ryan Byrne

Character Name : Henry

Original Name : Ryan Byrne

Gender : Male

Mario Marquez

Character Name : Dario

Original Name : Mario Marquez

Gender : Male

Jacob Greenfeld

Character Name : Micah

Original Name : Jacob Greenfeld

Gender : Male

Paul Spitale

Character Name : Person in Line

Original Name : Paul Spitale

Gender : Male

Jody Lambert

Character Name : Minesweeper

Original Name : Jody Lambert

Gender : Female

Xan Aranda

Character Name : Hiker with Dog

Original Name : Xan Aranda

Gender : Female






Good watch, might watch again, and can recommend if you're considering it. The "feel" of the movie reminds me a lot of "Booksmart", but almost more "versus" than "cooperative", if that makes sense to you. I'm a big fan of Hannah Marks, and less so of Liana Liberato, and while the focus is typically on April, it really felt like they should have been cast in each others's roles, and it's not like Liberato can't carry a lead role. The roles just didn't feel intuitive, and the movie does one of those things where I feel like it's trying to tell me who's hotter, and (for me) Hannah Marks makes more sense as the "hot new thing", and she's the stronger personality. But that's probably why she has the lead here. It was also frustrating to watch the characters do "stupid high schoolers with too many options" mistakes over and over, letting such a jerk control any level of validation in their lives, and I suppose that's the point that I'm missing is how to relate to it as a young woman that can't control what her wants are, even if they are bad for her. I have similar stupid things I did when I was younger as a guy, and I think that's what frustrated me. The point in saying any of that is that that "frustration" is what takes this movie from potentially great to a more average viewing experience. While it's a fine movie, with good characters, acting, and writing, it doesn't feel uplifting or hopeful, the "intensity in battle" is social in nature and not what I'm looking for in a movie, but that doesn't mean that others won't like this much more than me.