
Imogène McCarthery


Elle est rousse. Elle est écossaise. Elle aime le rugby et la cornemuse. Elle vit à Londres, mais se considère en exil. Elle a un fichu caractère et une sacrée descente au whisky. Elle s’appelle Imogène Mc Carthery… du clan des McLeod !

Release Date : 2010-05-05

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : UGC Distribution

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Catherine Frot

Character Name : Imogène

Original Name : Catherine Frot

Gender : Female

Lambert Wilson

Character Name : Samuel Tyler

Original Name : Lambert Wilson

Gender : Male

Danièle Lebrun

Character Name : Mrs Elroy

Original Name : Danièle Lebrun

Gender : Female

Michel Aumont

Character Name : Sir Woolish

Original Name : Michel Aumont

Gender : Male

Lionel Abelanski

Character Name : Aneurin Archaft

Original Name : Lionel Abelanski

Gender : Male






The screenplay was drawn from a French novel you purchase before the train starts and make you enjoy a relaxing trip. Having a high degree in psychology, economy or social sciences is not required to understand the plot. It gently pulls the leg of people who feel over-proud of their geographical origin. In addition, you would enjoy splendid Scottish landscapes and be incented to one little glass of the best single malt. Imogene, who has to work in London among what she considers as undergrade people, is sent on a secret assignment back to Scotland. On her way by railway, she is fooled by three men on a fishing trip, who pretend being Scottish when they actually are KGB spies... The plot continues in the pure tradition of popular theater. High spirits to Scotland!