Mero Love Story


Two strangers Aavas and Nisha met in the bus trip from Kathmandu to Pokhara. Both of them share their opinion regarding life and characters. As they arrived their destination, both of them apart from each other promising not to meet next time. But both meet at Nisha’s home where Aavas is helping his best friend Vinay to plan a wedding to be with Nisha. Then both of them get separated again. But after few years both met each other and face the situation where both realizes their love.

Release Date : 2011-10-11

Language :Nepali

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Reecha Sharma

Character Name : Nisha

Original Name : Reecha Sharma

Gender : Male

Aaryan Sigdel

Character Name : Aavas

Original Name : Aaryan Sigdel

Gender : Male

Vinay Shrestha

Character Name :

Original Name : Vinay Shrestha

Gender : Male

Keshav Bhattarai

Character Name :

Original Name : Keshav Bhattarai

Gender : Male

Tripti Nadakar

Character Name : Nisha's Mother

Original Name : Tripti Nadakar

Gender : Male


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