Anna's War
The entire family of a 6-year-old Anna dies in the mass coordinated execution of Jews. The mother covers up Anna with her own body, and the girl miraculously survives. For the next few hundred days Anna hides in the disused chimney at the Nazi Commandant's office. From her shelter she watches as life passes her by until the village is liberated from the Nazi. In these inhuman conditions Anna not only survives but keeps her humanity. Many factors help her: memories from the life swept away by war, the cultural foundations laid by the parents and a friend who saves her from loneliness.
Release Date : 2018-03-15
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : MetraFilmsSAGa29th February Film CompanyMinistry of Culture of the Russian FederationChannel One
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Anna
Original Name : Marta Kozlova
Gender : Female
Character Name : Grandmother
Original Name : Л. Ворожцова
Gender : Male
Character Name : Granddad
Original Name : Vladimir Sapin
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sidor
Original Name : Aleksandr Vakhov
Gender : Male
Character Name : Stovemaker
Original Name : Константин Итунин
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : Сергей Фёдоров
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : Nikolai Kolyada
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : lya Belov
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : Игорь Кожевин
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : Alexander Kuchik
Gender : Male
Character Name : episode
Original Name : Anton Makushin
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Maxim Udintsev
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Anton Butakov
Gender : Male
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