
Augsburger Puppenkiste - Eine Woche voller Samstage


Mr. Taschenbier, who had previously led a rather unremarkable and monotonous life, becomes suspicious when a big thunderstorm suddenly appears on Thursday. After all, the sun had shone on the previous Sunday, Mr. Mon visited him on Monday, and on Tuesday he was on duty as usual. That would be so far admittedly still nothing special, just as little the middle of the week on Wednesday. On Thursday, however, there is thunder. And when Mr. Taschenbier then also has Friday off, he goes into town on Saturday, curious about what might await him. In fact, he encounters a creature that none of the other passers-by can make sense of. Only he logically suspects that it must be a "Sams".

Release Date : 1977-07-12

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Augsburger PuppenkisteHR

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Ernst H. Hilbich

Character Name : Sams (voice)

Original Name : Ernst H. Hilbich

Gender : Male

Sepp Strubel

Character Name : Mr. Taschenbier (voice)

Original Name : Sepp Strubel

Gender : Male

Claudia Hansmann

Character Name : Ms. Rotkohl (voice)

Original Name : Claudia Hansmann

Gender : Female

Manfred Jenning

Character Name : Mr. Oberstein (voice)

Original Name : Manfred Jenning

Gender : Male


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