Just Maine Folks


Out in the farm-lands near Portland, the Widow Walters lives with her daughter Ethel. As far as affections are concerned, those of the widow are confined to her daughter, until Squire Lang, a fat old widower, with his son Harry, moves onto the adjoining farm. One day Harry leaves his plowing, when he catches sight of Ethel. They rush to the gate to exchange felicities, but the squire wants Harry to return to his plowing, and the widow desires Ethel to resume her housework.

Release Date : 1912-10-21

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Harry Myers

Character Name : Harry Lang

Original Name : Harry Myers

Gender : Male

Ethel Clayton

Character Name : Ethel Walters

Original Name : Ethel Clayton

Gender : Female


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