


Sal is an odyssey whose hero has no home to return to. His is a search for transcendence in a landscape that pits him against a harsh, impervious human reality. Heraldo is a man with no identity who comes to the desert asking about his father. In this dystopian land, the last refuge of desperados who have no place in the world, he finds himself asking if maybe he is one of them when a strange couple, Don Salo and his wife, take him in.

Release Date : 2018-03-02

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Contravía Films

Production Country : ColombiaFrance

Alternative Titles :


Heraldo Romero

Character Name : Heraldo

Original Name : Heraldo Romero

Gender : Male

Salomón Gómez

Character Name : Salomón

Original Name : Salomón Gómez

Gender : Male

Diana Pérez

Character Name : Magdalena

Original Name : Diana Pérez

Gender : Female


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