
Shanda's River


Independent Italian horror Movie. Inspired by the classic Italian horror movies of the 70s and 80s. A professor, Emma goes to Voghera, a small town in Northern Italy. To study the story of the witch Shanda killed in the early 1800's, on the river bank from which it is named. The professor will be enslaved to a magic spell and will be forced to repeat the same day over and over. Every time she will be killed and every time she will start the day again.

Release Date : 2018-03-10

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Associazione Culturale Iria

Production Country : Italy

Alternative Titles : Evil River


Marcella Braga

Character Name : Shanda

Original Name : Marcella Braga

Gender : Female

Claudia Marasca

Character Name : Giulia

Original Name : Claudia Marasca

Gender : Male

Toni Pandolfo

Character Name : Inspector De Gennaro

Original Name : Toni Pandolfo

Gender : Male

Margherita Remotti

Character Name : Emma

Original Name : Margherita Remotti

Gender : Female


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