
Two Tails


The adventures of two completely different in nature beasts - a serious and economic Beaver and a restless Cat. They meet when the cat is looking for shelter from the rain in the forest. The beaver rescues the cat, and they become bosom friends. The cat really wants to become famous and believes that everyone wants to become famous, but not everyone can admit it. One day the life of this couple changes abruptly when aliens from a distant galaxy land in the forest.

Release Date : 2018-05-31

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Licensing Brands

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Sergey Burunov

Character Name : Max (voice)

Original Name : Сергей Бурунов

Gender : Male

Diomid Vinogradov

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Диомид Виноградов

Gender : Male

Irina Kireeva

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Ирина Киреева

Gender : Female


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