
Comedy of Innocence


Today, Camille turns nine. He had sworn that on his 9th birthday he would show his parents the videos he was shooting on the side - the tail of a cat scampering away, a window, and a veiled woman's face - an intriguing picture... Later that day, Camille's mother, Ariane, meets up with her son in the park. The boy appears perturbed. He is leaning against a tree, eyes cast down. He says that now he wants to return to his "real home" and his "real mother."

Release Date : 2000-09-10

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : CNCLes Films du CaméliaMACT ProductionsPROCIREPTF1 InternationalCanal+

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles : The Comedy of Innocence


Isabelle Huppert

Character Name : Ariane

Original Name : Isabelle Huppert

Gender : Female

Jeanne Balibar

Character Name : Isabella

Original Name : Jeanne Balibar

Gender : Female

Charles Berling

Character Name : Serge

Original Name : Charles Berling

Gender : Male

Denis Podalydès

Character Name : Pierre

Original Name : Denis Podalydès

Gender : Male

Nils Hugon

Character Name : Camille

Original Name : Nils Hugon

Gender : Male

Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre

Character Name : Hélène

Original Name : Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre

Gender : Female

Chantal Bronner

Character Name : Martine

Original Name : Chantal Bronner

Gender : Female

Bruno Marengo

Character Name : Alexandre

Original Name : Bruno Marengo

Gender : Male

Édith Scob

Character Name : Laurence

Original Name : Édith Scob

Gender : Female


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