

- He was stronger than anyone else. He was kinder than anyone else.

Surrounded by violence for as long as he can remember, Ryoudo Numata has steeled himself into a tremendously tough man, growing to become the very essence of "manliness" himself in order to live his life in peace. When members of a yakuza clan set on fire to his house to facilitate a real estate transaction, Kumada murders them and gets jailed for it. 15 years later, finally free, he will now have to reconnect with his family who clearly are in disarray due his long absence and face the distrust of his children who know nothing of their father except that he had abandoned them.

Release Date : 2007-08-25

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Sonny Chiba

Character Name : Ryudo Numata

Original Name : 千葉真一

Gender : Male

Yoshiko Tanaka

Character Name : Toshiko Numata

Original Name : 田中好子

Gender : Female

Hiromi Kitagawa

Character Name : Yoko Numata

Original Name : 北川弘美

Gender : Female


Character Name : Numata (Childhood)

Original Name : 新田真剣佑

Gender : Male

Keita Saito

Character Name : Shingo Numata

Original Name : 斉藤慶太

Gender : Male

Hideo Sakaki

Character Name : Yasushi Tsugawa

Original Name : 榊英雄

Gender : Male

Seiichirō Kameishi

Character Name : Seitarou

Original Name : 亀石征一郎

Gender : Male

Yasutaka Tsutsui

Character Name : Boss

Original Name : 筒井康隆

Gender : Male

Yuji Kishimoto

Character Name :

Original Name : 岸本祐二

Gender : Male

Yutaka Matsushige

Character Name :

Original Name : 松重豊

Gender : Male


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