
Buscando a Marcos Ramírez


'Buscando a Marcos Ramírez' is about a Costarican from the countryside that loses his mother and starts living with his grandfather. He starts going to a new high school which means new challenges. As he tries to achieve his life goal of becoming a professional soccer player. In the meantime, he looks for himself, for what he really is, and want to do with his life.

Release Date : 2017-11-23

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Costa Rica

Alternative Titles :


Julián Guzmán

Character Name : Marcos Ramírez

Original Name : Julián Guzmán

Gender : Male

Pedro Capmany

Character Name : Kenny

Original Name : Pedro Capmany

Gender : Male

Michelle Jones

Character Name : Carmen

Original Name : Michelle Jones

Gender : Female

Nancy Dobles

Character Name : Camila

Original Name : Nancy Dobles

Gender : Female


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