
Decade of Disturbed


Why has Disturbed persevered for over a decade as the entire face of the music industry has shifted and changed, resulting in so many bands they came up with dropping off and falling by the wayside? Because, through years of countless tours, dedication and sacrifice, and the delivery of four critically acclaimed albums, Disturbed has created a unique fan base.

Release Date : 2010-08-26

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


David Draiman

Character Name :

Original Name : David Draiman

Gender : Male

Dan Donegan

Character Name :

Original Name : Dan Donegan

Gender : Male

Mike Wengren

Character Name :

Original Name : Mike Wengren

Gender : Male

John Moyer

Character Name :

Original Name : John Moyer

Gender : Male


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