
A Corpse Living


"The Living Corpse" - Fedor Protasov is tormented by the thought that his wife Liza never really made a clear choice between him and Victor Karenin, a more conventional rival for her hand. He wants to kill himself, but doesn't have the nerve. Running away from his life, he falls in with Gypsies, and into a sexual relationship with a Gypsy singer Mascha. Meanwhile, his wife Liza, presuming him dead, marries the other man, Victor.

Release Date : 1918-10-14

Language :No Language

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : D. І. Kharitonov

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Vera Kholodnaya

Character Name : Mascha

Original Name : Вера Холодная

Gender : Female

Vladimir Maksimov

Character Name : Fedor

Original Name : Владимир Максимов

Gender : Male

Olga Rakhmanova

Character Name : Liza

Original Name : Ольга Рахманова

Gender : Female

Ossip Runitsch

Character Name : Victor

Original Name : Осип Рунич

Gender : Male


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