
Stay With Me


She thinks he is cheating. In reality he is not, he is in love with his partner. She suffers from sleepwalking... he tries to create a comfortable atmosphere, tries to protect her and prevent harm. She does not remember anything from the night. During the day they are like two strangers, they argue and avoid each other. In the last scene, she reacts annoyed at the touch of his hand... but he remains there still, unmoved, saying nothing and accepting.

Release Date : 2011-08-01

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : QE Productions

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Christina Ochoa

Character Name : Andrea

Original Name : Christina Ochoa

Gender : Female

Stephen Amell

Character Name : Travis

Original Name : Stephen Amell

Gender : Male

Rafael Feldman

Character Name : Raf

Original Name : Rafael Feldman

Gender : Male

Deirdre Wall

Character Name : Lindsey

Original Name : Deirdre Wall

Gender : Male


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