The North Korean defector, who has just settled in the South, is confused by his brother who was separated from the defection process. Ji-hyeok, a Chinese restaurant deliveryman who is having a hard time finding a job due to his criminal record, wants to leave Korea as soon as possible. To raise money for his defector brother, Ji-hyeok, who is involved in a dangerous drug-transport errand, suggests intercepting billions of won of methamphetamine.
Release Date : 2020-03-19
Language :Korean
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : eye m
Production Country : South Korea
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Geun-soo
Original Name : Hong Geun-taek
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ji-hyeok
Original Name : Cha Ji-hyun
Gender : Male
Character Name : Seong-il
Original Name : 장준현
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yeong-gi
Original Name : Yoon Jung-wook
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dong-won
Original Name : Jong Ho
Gender : Male
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