When Sun Meets Moon
In 1992, a heavy rainstorm caused massive power outage in Hong Kong. At that night, two young astrology enthusiasts, Moon and Sun, met under the starry night by the seaside. When their affection to each other grew, Sun was admitted into a boarding school and would move to another country in a few months under his father's plan. Like the sun and moon, the couple could hardly see each other despite that they were living in the same city, but their love endured amidst the separation and opposition from Moon’s mother. Overcoming the challenges from teachers, friends and family, time has come for Sun to depart…
Release Date : 2018-05-31
Language :Cantonese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Hong Kong
Alternative Titles : When Sun Meets Moon
Character Name : Moon
Original Name : Kathy Tong Yee
Gender : Female
Character Name : Sun
Original Name : Daichi Harashima
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 邵美琪
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : 夏韶聲
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Aimee Chan
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : 鄭丹瑞
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 雷頌德
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 呂頌賢
Gender : Male
Character Name : Guy in Car
Original Name : Ng Leung-Wing
Gender : Male
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