
Paper Dove


Juan, a young man convicted of terrorism, is given amnesty from a Lima prison; he boards a bus to return home and, in his mind's eye, recalls events in his village near Huaraz when he was 10 or 12. His father is long dead, his mother lives with Fermin, secretly a sympathizer with the Communist guerrillas in the hills. Town leaders are assassinated at night. When Juan discovers Fermin's secret, Juan is spirited away to the guerrillas to learn Marxist slogans and how to fight. When the band decides to attack the town to avenge the death of a comrade, Juan must choose.

Release Date : 2003-09-25

Language :SpanishQuechua

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Luna Llena Films

Production Country : Peru

Alternative Titles :


Antonio Callirgos

Character Name : Juan

Original Name : Antonio Callirgos

Gender : Male

Eduardo Cesti

Character Name : Viejo

Original Name : Eduardo Cesti

Gender : Male

Aristóteles Picho

Character Name : Fermin

Original Name : Aristóteles Picho

Gender : Male

Liliana Trujillo

Character Name : Domitila

Original Name : Liliana Trujillo

Gender : Female

Sergio Galliani

Character Name : Wilmer

Original Name : Sergio Galliani

Gender : Male

Melania Urbina

Character Name : Yeni

Original Name : Melania Urbina

Gender : Female

Tatiana Astengo

Character Name : Carmen

Original Name : Tatiana Astengo

Gender : Female

Jesús Carbajal

Character Name : Modesto

Original Name : Jesús Carbajal

Gender : Male


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