
The Day of Swapping


Min-ho and Jeong-il end up working with each other's wives one day. As time passes, the men feel attracted physically to their friend's wives. In the end, Jeong-il suggests to Min-ho, "Let's not take sides and just be happy as the four of us!" They start swapping each other.

Release Date : 2017-07-10

Language :Korean

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : South Korea

Alternative Titles :


Joo Ye-bin

Character Name : Ji-seon (지선)

Original Name : Joo Ye-bin

Gender : Female

Baek Se-ri

Character Name : Hye-soo (혜수)

Original Name : Baek Se-ri

Gender : Female

Min Do-yoon

Character Name : Min-ho (민호)

Original Name : 민도윤

Gender : Male

Ji Eun-seo

Character Name : Joo-yeong (주영)

Original Name : Ji Eun-seo

Gender : Female

Jang Seok-min

Character Name : Jeong-il (정일)

Original Name : Jang Seok-min

Gender : Male


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