
The Lie

- It was an accident.

A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.

Release Date : 2018-09-13

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Mad Dog FilmsAmazon StudiosBlumhouse Television

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Between Earth and SkyWelcome to the Blumhouse


Peter Sarsgaard

Character Name : Jay Logan

Original Name : Peter Sarsgaard

Gender : Male

Mireille Enos

Character Name : Rebecca Logan

Original Name : Mireille Enos

Gender : Female

Joey King

Character Name : Kayla Logan

Original Name : Joey King

Gender : Female

Cas Anvar

Character Name : Sam Ifrani

Original Name : Cas Anvar

Gender : Male

Patti Kim

Character Name : Detective Kenji Tagata

Original Name : Patti Kim

Gender : Female

Nicholas Lea

Character Name : Detective Rodney Barnes

Original Name : Nicholas Lea

Gender : Male

Devery Jacobs

Character Name : Brittany Ifrani

Original Name : Devery Jacobs

Gender : Female

Dani Kind

Character Name : Trini

Original Name : Dani Kind

Gender : Female

Alan van Sprang

Character Name : Greg

Original Name : Alan van Sprang

Gender : Male

Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll

Character Name : Band Member

Original Name : Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll

Gender : Male






Performances were pretty good if not unexceptional. The twist ending is pretty dark and I did have a queasy feeling throughout its entire 90-minute running time. However, despite being engaged with the story and characters, and I can't my finger on it, just something didn't quite gel. **3.0/5**





I re-titled this, "The Making of a Serial Killer" with about 10 minutes left, then 5 minutes later changed my mind. Wow, what an insane ending.





**_Oh, what a tangled web we weave_** In an unspecified wintery city in New York, likely Buffalo, a musician father (Peter Sarsgaard) and his ex-wife, a lawyer (Mireille Enos), concoct a lie to save their daughter (Joey King) from serious legal ramifications, but one lie leads to another and... “The Lie” (2018) is a drama with crime thriller elements, a morality tale in the vein of “A Simple Plan” (1998), albeit with an altogether different story. Like “Match Point” (2005), it’s a dramatic snowball that builds to avalanche proportions, manipulating you into rooting for the protagonists despite their dubious decisions in a life-changing situation. Armchair critics contend that the set-up is unbelievable, but we’re talking about mid-teenage girls here, who are subject to all kinds of questionable whims rooted in immature emotions. Look no further than Taylor Smith, who pushed Jordan Holgerson off a bridge at Moulton Falls near Vancouver, Washington, on August 7, 2018 (see the video on Youtube). As for the potential transgression in question, look up what happened to 16 year-old Skylar Neese on the night of July 5, 2012, in the Morgantown, West Virginia, area, which is featured on the real-life crime series See No Evil, Season 1, Episode 6. The less I say, the better. If you like films like the two noted above and "The River King" (2005), "Snow Angels" (2007), “Frozen River” (2008) and "The Drowning" (2016), check this one out. The movie runs 1 hour, 36 minutes, and was shot in the Toronto area. GRADE: A-