The alien ship in the rays of the evening sun seemed like a cloud, devoid of clear shapes, iridescent and completely safe. At that moment, Marya Stepanovna, her daughter Leocadia and granddaughter Sashenka, who was sick with a sore throat and was capricious, were in the house. Semensky, Leocadia's husband, has not yet returned from work. A cloud hung over the house for several minutes, suddenly fell on it, enveloped the house like fog, then rose again, picking up speed until it mixed with other clouds and clouds. The house has disappeared...
Release Date : 1986-01-06
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Dovzhenko Film StudiosMosfilm
Production Country : Soviet Union
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Семенский
Original Name : Владимир Николенко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Леокадия
Original Name : Irina Pulina
Gender : Female
Character Name : Марья Степановна, тёща
Original Name : Мария Виноградова
Gender : Female
Character Name : старшина Пилипенко
Original Name : Юрий Потёмкин
Gender : Male
Character Name : Сашенька
Original Name : Anya Andrianova
Gender : Female
Character Name : член комиссии
Original Name : Нина Агапова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Павел Петрович, член комиссии
Original Name : Кир Булычёв
Gender : Male
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