

- No one gets out alive...

It's ten years after the kidnapping of Martin Bristol. Taken from a backyard swing at his home at the age of six, he is forced to witness unspeakable crimes of a deranged madman. For years, Martin's whereabouts have remained a mystery...until now.

Release Date : 2004-09-10

Language :EnglishPolish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Jay Cohen

Character Name : Martin Bristol

Original Name : Jay Cohen

Gender : Male

R. Brandon Johnson

Character Name : Julian

Original Name : R. Brandon Johnson

Gender : Male

Samantha Dark

Character Name : Samantha Harrison

Original Name : Samantha Dark

Gender : Female

Heather Magee

Character Name : Marylin

Original Name : Heather Magee

Gender : Female

Richard Glover

Character Name : Kurt

Original Name : Richard Glover

Gender : Male

Courtney Bertolone

Character Name : Courtney Harrison

Original Name : Courtney Bertolone

Gender : Male

John Richard Ingram

Character Name : Sheriff Riley

Original Name : John Richard Ingram

Gender : Male

Keith Chambers

Character Name : Max

Original Name : Keith Chambers

Gender : Male

Kevin McKelvey

Character Name : Special Agent William Perkins

Original Name : Kevin McKelvey

Gender : Male

Lenn Gross

Character Name : FBI Agent Daley

Original Name : Lenn Gross

Gender : Male

Pamela Marie Guida

Character Name : Sally

Original Name : Pamela Marie Guida

Gender : Male

Mia Lotringer

Character Name : Girl in Basement

Original Name : Mia Lotringer

Gender : Female

Stevan Mena

Character Name : Officer at Roadblock

Original Name : Stevan Mena

Gender : Male






I get what writer-director (and producer, editor, composer) Stevan Mena was trying to do (at least I think): an homage to 1980s slashers right down to the killer wearing a burlap-like sack over his head and a score straight out of Friday the 13th. For an independent horror movie, wasn't terrible and some of the acting was okay (more or less) but the ADR was laughably bad and there was nothing all that memorable. Passably entertainment but not much more than that.