
Children of the Snow Land

- A unique coming of age journey in the world's most epic landscape.

The extraordinary story of children born in High Himalayas of Nepal. At 4 years old, they're sent to school in the city, hoping education means a better life. They do not see their parents again for 12 years. Now, aged 16, they trek home.

Release Date : 2019-09-27

Language :NepaliEnglish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Dartmouth Films

Production Country : NepalUnited Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Nima Gurung

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Nima Gurung

Gender : Male

Sangpo Lama

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Sangpo Lama

Gender : Male

Tsering Deki Lama

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Tsering Deki Lama

Gender : Male

Jeewan Mahatara

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Jeewan Mahatara

Gender : Male


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