


The French Ministry of Culture commissioned films on the cultural decade "en chantiers". Robert Kramer makes one of the six short films that illustrates the cultural side of the decade Mittérand. Here we see a director of cinema in the suburbs of Caen, in her room lined with flower paper. This for art and essay cinema. There, the critic Serge Daney in a sailor's cap, for a chat by the fire. An overview of French cinema today, "Pickpocket" on television. Then back on you. The camera slides on the desk that we imagine to be Kramer's. Finally, the camera flies over Paris, slides along the facades, stops on a window, entering the skylight: "The films invite to see ... I invite you to see Jean Genet's hotel room."

Release Date : 1991-12-31

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Nicole Belguise

Character Name :

Original Name : Nicole Belguise

Gender : Male

Michel Choquet

Character Name :

Original Name : Michel Choquet

Gender : Male

Serge Daney

Character Name :

Original Name : Serge Daney

Gender : Male

Robert Kramer

Character Name :

Original Name : Robert Kramer

Gender : Male

Béatrice Michel

Character Name :

Original Name : Béatrice Michel

Gender : Female

Philippe Tavernier

Character Name :

Original Name : Philippe Tavernier

Gender : Male

Geneviève Troussier

Character Name :

Original Name : Geneviève Troussier

Gender : Male


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