Sarvagunakar Srimanta Sankardeva
Sarvagunakar Srimanta Sankardeva is an Indian Assamese language 2D Computer animation biographical film directed by Manju Borah , Director of Animation and all animation work was single handedly done by Dr.Gautam k.Das at "24 illusion factory", animation studio, Guwahati, and produced by Sanjive Narain under the banner of AM Television. The film is an animated biography that depicts the life and work of Assam`s fifteenth century saint and reformer Srimanta Sankardeva.
Release Date : 2016-11-16
Language :Assamese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : AM Television
Production Country : India
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Srimanta Sankardeva
Original Name : Ranjan Bezbaruah
Gender : Male
Character Name : Madhabdev
Original Name : Rajiv Bhattacharjya
Gender : Male
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