Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family - The Play
Shirley has important news for her family, but she has five grown children with different lifestyles and finds it difficult to get them and the kids all together. So in steps Madea, the Matriarch General, to put the family's life in perspective with a hilarious twist on financial difficulties, drugs and, most important, family secrets. The next generation has a lot to learn. In her own way, Madea expresses how deliverance won't change you to be someone else, but will allow you to be who you really are.
Release Date : 2010-11-23
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Madea
Original Name : Tyler Perry
Gender : Male
Character Name : Aunt Bam
Original Name : Cassi Davis
Gender : Female
Character Name : Shirley
Original Name : Chandra Currelley-Young
Gender : Female
Character Name : Joyce
Original Name : Cheryl Pepsii Riley
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kimberly
Original Name : Tamar Davis
Gender : Female
Character Name : Monroe
Original Name : Palmer Williams Jr.
Gender : Male
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