


Little Red Riding-Hood lives together with her parents in a house on the edge of the forest. Her friends are a bunny, a squirrel and a bear. The little girl is always prepared to help, friendly, innocent and even unsuspecting, for she does not hold anyone capable of doing anything bad. Little Red Riding-Hood often visits her grandmother who lives in the depths of the forest. But her way there is a dangerous one: the wolf and its lackey, the fox, terrorize everyone with their evil deeds. One day, Little Red Riding-Hood is caught in their net.

Release Date : 1962-07-12

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : DEFA

Production Country : East Germany

Alternative Titles :


Blanche Kommerell

Character Name : Rotkäppchen

Original Name : Blanche Kommerell

Gender : Female

Werner Dissel

Character Name : Wolf

Original Name : Werner Dissel

Gender : Male

Harald Engelmann

Character Name : Fuchs

Original Name : Harald Engelmann

Gender : Male

Helga Raumer

Character Name : Mutter

Original Name : Helga Raumer

Gender : Female

Horst Kube

Character Name : Vater

Original Name : Horst Kube

Gender : Male

Friedel Nowack

Character Name : Großmutter

Original Name : Friedel Nowack

Gender : Female

Jochen Bley

Character Name : Häschen

Original Name : Jochen Bley

Gender : Male

Ernst-Georg Schwill

Character Name : Bär

Original Name : Ernst-Georg Schwill

Gender : Male


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