
The Last Musicians in Bremen


The four men --Petuchauskas, Rainis, Rexas, and Kanopa-- form a band, hoping to surprise the world with their music. Their journey to the Olympus of Glory is full of surprises, falls, and curiosities, especially after the strange hair manager LEO takes over to lead the group. Their lives are full of passion, loss, and frustration, because everyone falls in love with the same muse -- a traveling girl named Inda. Their music spreads the romance of "flowers and children" and the nostalgia of lost times, because they are the Last Musicians in Bremen.

Release Date : 2005-09-30

Language :Lithuanian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Lithuania

Alternative Titles :


Andrius Kaniava

Character Name : Dovydas Petuchauskas

Original Name : Andrius Kaniava

Gender : Male

Dalius Skamarakas

Character Name : Olegas Rainis

Original Name : Dalius Skamarakas

Gender : Male

Aidas Giniotis

Character Name : Rexas

Original Name : Aidas Giniotis

Gender : Male

Aurimas Meliešius

Character Name : Vidas Kanopa

Original Name : Aurimas Meliešius

Gender : Male

Darius Auželis

Character Name : Leo

Original Name : Darius Auželis

Gender : Male

Ilona Balsytė

Character Name : Inga

Original Name : Ilona Balsytė

Gender : Male


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