
Son of Babylon


A willful young boy follows his just and obstinate grandmother on a journey across Iraq, determined to discover the fate of her missing son, Ahmed's father, who never returned from war.

Release Date : 2009-05-01

Language :ArabicEnglishKurdish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : UK Film CouncilScreen YorkshireRotterdam Media FundFonds Sud CinémaNetherlands Fund for FilmCRM-114Human FilmHuman Film NLPyramediaIraq al-RafidainCNCSundance Institute

Production Country : IraqEgyptFranceNetherlandsPalestinian TerritoryUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Shazada Hussein

Character Name : Um Ibrahim

Original Name : Shazada Hussein

Gender : Male

Yasser Talib

Character Name : Ahmed

Original Name : Yasser Talib

Gender : Male

Bashir Al Majid

Character Name : Musa

Original Name : Bashir Al Majid

Gender : Male

Salih Abdul Rahman Farhad

Character Name : Mahmoud

Original Name : Salih Abdul Rahman Farhad

Gender : Male

Kefaya Dakhee Kareem

Character Name : Um Fatima

Original Name : Kefaya Dakhee Kareem

Gender : Male



Andres Gomez



Really good movie. Good script, well told and well directed. The cast makes a great performance, both, grandmother and son. Maybe, the weakest point is an inconclusive ending which, actually, fits perfectly but leaves too many open questions. Fits, because the whole movie is open, from the beginning to the end, since the point is bringing us to the reality of a devastated Iraq and how the population survives under a mountain of pain.