


Fariha is an escort-girl who assumes her choices. The insecurity and violence suffered in her childhood made her materialistic and cynical. She no longer expects anything from the others. Youssouf has filled his frustration and his inner emptiness by adopting a violent and destructive ideology that sports the edge of a religion. He has been converted to radical Islam. These two French, with the opposite view of the world are going to the same party. Fariha to work, Youssouf to commit an attack. A complex equation will bring them together in a room, stuck, at the mercy of each other. Will they manage to find themselves beyond their differences?

Release Date : 2017-10-20

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Alexandra Naoum

Character Name : Fariha

Original Name : Alexandra Naoum

Gender : Female

Benoit Rabillé

Character Name : Youssouf

Original Name : Benoît Rabillé

Gender : Male

Tony Harrisson

Character Name : Black Luda

Original Name : Tony Harrisson

Gender : Male

Romain Rouveyrollis

Character Name : Leonardo

Original Name : Romain Rouveyrollis

Gender : Male

Alix Bénézech

Character Name : Jenny

Original Name : Alix Bénézech

Gender : Female

Matthieu Kassimo

Character Name : Kader

Original Name : Matthieu Kassimo

Gender : Male


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