
Killer Bride's Perfect Crime


Hiroko is about to get married to the handsome Kenichiro when disaster strikes. Her landlord stops by the happy bride-to-be’s apartment where a pair of wayward scissors falls from a shelf and stabs him in the back as he bends forward to pick something up. His body begins to stiffen even before Hiroko realizes what has happened. On the road to Mount Fuji where Hiroko intends to dump the corpse, something falls on the hood of her car out of the blue. That “something” is Fukuko Kobayashi (Yoshino Kimura), who is dying to… die. Fukuko believes that she is irredeemably unhappy and has endeavored to commit suicide again and again. As Hiroko and Fukuko begin their journey to abandon the corpse, a weird friendship begins to build.

Release Date : 2009-09-12

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : TOHOTBSMBSWOWOW FILMSAltamira Pictures

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : Killer Virgin Road


Juri Ueno

Character Name : Hiroko Numashiri

Original Name : 上野樹里

Gender : Female

Yoshino Kimura

Character Name : Fukuko Kobayashi

Original Name : 木村佳乃

Gender : Female

Ayaka Komatsu

Character Name : Ayaka

Original Name : 小松彩夏

Gender : Female

Reiko Takashima

Character Name : Haruhi

Original Name : 高島礼子

Gender : Female


Character Name :

Original Name : EXILE MAKIDAI

Gender : Male

Yoji Tanaka

Character Name : Repair man

Original Name : 田中要次

Gender : Male


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