
Moms at War


"Moms at War" is about two mothers who live in the same neighborhood, but hate each other. One felt that the other was a village girl who just got into money and is not fit to be in society with them. But both their kids coincidentally attend the same school and there was a competition that was done for the kids, and both were the top of their class. It comes down to one of them winning the competition and the mothers just go crazy, doing all sort of antics. It's a story of friendship, sisterhood, and bonding in spite of everything.

Release Date : 2018-08-17

Language :EnglishIgboYoruba

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : FilmOne Distribution

Production Country : Nigeria

Alternative Titles :


Omoni Oboli

Character Name : omoni oboli

Original Name : Omoni Oboli

Gender : Female

alvin abayomi

Character Name : alvin abayomi

Original Name : alvin abayomi

Gender : Male

Funke Akindele

Character Name : funke akindele

Original Name : Funke Akindele

Gender : Female

Ayodeji Richard Makun

Character Name : AY

Original Name : Ayodeji Richard Makun

Gender : Male

Michelle Dede

Character Name : michelle dede

Original Name : Michelle Dede

Gender : Male

Yul Edochie

Character Name : Yul Edochie

Original Name : Yul Edochie

Gender : Male


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