
Mistress Jane


Jane is a depressive and solitary dominatrix living in L.A. After dealing with alcoholism, and meeting Ethan, a regular client, she will try to move on and change her life. When Jane discovers she is in love with Ethan, she will try to change her life, but to do so she must fight the demons of her past and try to build a new future while Ethan must decide if he changes his life for Jane or not.

Release Date : 2017-12-09

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Giulia Giovanetti

Character Name : Jane

Original Name : Giulia Giovanetti

Gender : Male

Robert A. Lynch

Character Name : Ethan

Original Name : Robert A. Lynch

Gender : Male






Just awesome, i really like it, Mistress Jane is amazing.