A Letter From Mars
Little Seung-jae stays up all night and writes letters to So-hee, pretending to be her father in Mars. Leaving Seung-jae's innocent heart behind, So-hee leaves for a big city. Both grown up to be adults, Seung-jae is a postman who writes letters to So-hee's grandma - the letters that never came from So-hee. So-hee's heart hardens after hardships in life and she comes back to her hometown and Seung-jae's heart swells up again at seeing her again...
Release Date : 2003-05-16
Language :Korean
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : CJ EntertainmentFilm It Suda
Production Country : South Korea
Alternative Titles : A Man Who Went to Mars
Character Name : Seung-jae
Original Name : 신하균
Gender : Male
Character Name : So-hee
Original Name : 김희선
Gender : Female
Character Name : Sun-mi
Original Name : 박소현
Gender : Female
Character Name : Seong-ho
Original Name : 김민준
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ho-gul
Original Name : 김인권
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : 박성웅
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Lim Seung-dae
Gender : Male
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