
Wedding in Bessarabia


“Wedding in Bessarabia” is a story of a young couple who recently got married in Romania. He is a young conductor from Bucharest and she is a gifted pianist from the Republic of Moldova. One day, they decide to have another wedding in Moldova, hoping to get the money to pay the account for a new apartment. The movie exploits the difference of traditions and habits between Romania and Bessarabia, and a sort of a competition which arises between the families involved.

Release Date : 2010-09-16

Language :RomanianRussian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Mediana CommunicationDonat Etienne

Production Country : RomaniaMoldovaLuxembourg

Alternative Titles :


Vlad Logigan

Character Name : Vlad

Original Name : Vlad Logigan

Gender : Male

Victoria Bobu

Character Name : Vika

Original Name : Victoria Bobu

Gender : Male

Igor Kistol

Character Name : Valera

Original Name : Игорь Кистол

Gender : Male

Constantin Florescu

Character Name : Gioni

Original Name : Constantin Florescu

Gender : Male

Igor Caras-Romanov

Character Name : Senia

Original Name : Igor Caras-Romanov

Gender : Male

Ion Scutelnic

Character Name : Tata Vika

Original Name : Ion Scutelnic

Gender : Male

Corina Druc

Character Name : Sora Vica

Original Name : Corina Druc

Gender : Female


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