
Sketchy Behaviour


Sketchy Behaviour is an absurd sketch comedy show filmed live in front of a largely captive audience in Mumbai. Described as hilarious, complex, stupid, irritating (and 'sardonic' by one lady in Goa) the show veers in and out of the familiar and the bizarre with equal comfort. A knee-slapping head-scratching torrent of jokes, characters and self-aware comedy that successfully spent the entire budget that was available to spend on the show. Featuring six very silly live sketches, stitched together by a much sillier story about the nature of art itself and bookended by extremely silly and unnecessary opening and closing, Sketchy Behaviour is truly a work of something.

Release Date : 2019-02-13

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Kanan Gill

Character Name :

Original Name : Kanan Gill

Gender : Male

Kenny Sebastian

Character Name :

Original Name : Kenny Sebastian

Gender : Male


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