Useless Man


ZHENG Dasheng's "Tianjin Xianren" (A Useless Man) portrays the characteristic figure of an idler roaming the streets of Tianjin shortly before the Sino-Japanese War. Director Zheng skillfully interweaves the traditional storytelling performance with a humorous, and somewhat absurd narrative which blurs the distinction between life and performance, illusion and reality. Deeply rooted in local Tianjin culture, the films authentic depiction of the atmosphere of the city is filled with wisdom and energy. Insightful and highly entertaining, the film is a brilliant technical tour-de-force.

Release Date : 2012-08-05

Language :Mandarin

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Xincheng Guan

Character Name : Hongda Su

Original Name : Xincheng Guan

Gender : Male

Li Hongchen

Character Name : Erxin Yan

Original Name : 李虹辰

Gender : Male


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