
The Title Cure


Mr. Clayworth, a wealthy American and self-made man, has a daughter Bessie, who is determined to marry a foreign title much against her father's wishes. She has an American suitor, William Brooks, who is deeply in love with her but he is given little encouragement. Mr. Clayworth plans to discourage his daughter with nobility and accordingly goes to an employment agency where he engages three foreign menials to impersonate noblemen, supplying them with evening clothes and arranging to have them call at his house that evening. Bessie is overjoyed when she learns from father that three noblemen are to honor them with their presence. Father incidentally suggests that if the noblemen do not come up to her expectations to patch up her little quarrel with Billy and say no more about marrying a title. The fun begins when the three bogus noblemen present themselves at Clayworth's house as Duke Macaroni, Lord Brien Berue and Baron Hasenpfeffer.

Release Date : 1913-01-15

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Edison Studios

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


William Wadsworth

Character Name : Baron Hasenpfeffer - the German

Original Name : William Wadsworth

Gender : Male

Edward O’Connor

Character Name : Lord Brian Berue - the Irishman

Original Name : Edward O’Connor

Gender : Male

Gertrude McCoy

Character Name : Bessie Clayworth

Original Name : Gertrude McCoy

Gender : Female

Richard Ridgely

Character Name : Duke Macaroni

Original Name : Richard Ridgely

Gender : Male

Augustus Phillips

Character Name : Billy Brooks

Original Name : Augustus Phillips

Gender : Male

Yale Boss

Character Name : Office Boy

Original Name : Yale Boss

Gender : Male

Frank A. Lyons

Character Name : Mr. Clayworth

Original Name : Frank A. Lyons

Gender : Male

Ida Williams

Character Name : Mrs. Clayworth

Original Name : Ida Williams

Gender : Female

Harry B. Eytinge

Character Name : Ike Muttenberg

Original Name : Harry B. Eytinge

Gender : Male


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