A Moon for My Father
Mania Akbari collaborates with British sculptor Douglas White to coin a tender fusion of langauge, where a meeting of cinema and sculpture investigates the processes of physical and psychological destruction and renewal. Begun a matter of weeks after first meeting, the film charts a deepening artistic and personal relationship exploring the nature of skin, family, death, water, desire and, throughout, a powerful will to form. Akbari looks into the connection between her body and the political history of Iran, investigating the relationship between her own physical traumas and the collective political memory of her birthplace. As she undergoes surgeries on a body decimated by cancer, remembrance and reconstruction provide a framework for investigating how bodies are traumatised, censored and politicized, and yet ultimately remain a site of possibility.
Release Date : 2019-03-25
Language :EnglishPersian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : United KingdomGermanyIran
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Herself
Original Name : Mania Akbari
Gender : Female
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Douglas White
Gender : Male
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